The requiem mass

The Holy Mass is central to the Catholic Faith and to the life of every practicing Catholic, which is why the Requiem Mass is so important – it is the last thing we do for them.
More than simply an act of devotion, the Holy Mass is the greatest prayer of the Church, where the whole church is untied throughout every time and place.
In the Mass, we participate in the action of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and by our participation we not only benefit personally, but we give glory and honour to Almighty God – doing this in memory of Him.
During the Requiem Mass (or the funeral Mass) we present the soul of our deceased loved one to God, trusting in His love and mercy. We thank God for the gift of life, and we pray for his pardon and forgiveness for any sins committed through human weakness.
The Mass is sacred and has a structure:

  • Opening Hymn
  • Opening Prayer
  • First Reading
  • Psalm
  • Gospel
  • Homily
  • Prayers of Intercession
  • Offertory Hymn
  • Eucharistic Prayer
  • Holy Communion
  • Final Prayer and Prayers of Final Commendation
  • Closing Hymn

We are not permitted to add or to omit anything from this structure.
Eulogies, Poems, secular songs are more appropriately placed at the wake or at the crematorium, if a cremation is to follow.
Bishop Philip has issued guidelines to help us to prepare the Order of Service for funerals which take place in the Diocese of Portsmouth:

Burial or cremation 

The dignity of a Christian burial is the fitting end to a Christian life.
A cremation is permitted for Catholics, providing that the remains are buried at a later date.
The church forbids the scattering of ashes.  

the readings

During the Mass we will have a First Reading, Psalm and Gospel. We may add a Second Reading too, if desired. In which case, we will hear from the Old Testament, the Psalm, the New Testament and then from Matthew, Mark Luke or John in the Gospel.
Please use click on the button bellow for a selection of Scripture Readings used during Requiem Masses.